Thursday, March 22, 2007

MBA 745 – Reflections on Module 1 Concepts.

MBA 745 – Reflections on Module 1 Concepts.
Consider your own leadership traits. Do you more closely fit with the creative nature from MBA 715, the organizational nature of MBA 725, the growth nature of MBA 735, or the mature nature of MBA 745? Explain your response.

Based on my experience and nature I probably exhibit the mature nature. I am good at strengthening and supporting the structures of launch and growth stages of a business. I also have experience in supply chain management and cost reductions. It is vital to companies to survive to invest in "smart" cost reductions and eliminating the waste in the processes. It is important to reduce expenses and keep them under control. Being in quality assurance and process engineering, I fully believe in investing in technology and relationships to improve the effectiveness of information (transformed into knowledge) and cutting the wasteful activities out of processes.

Reflecting on your personal past experiences, discuss an idea you developed, only to have it fail after the implementation. Why could you not sustain it after the implementation?

This is a difficult one. Probably the one I remember as a lesson is my experience in Mexico. I developed more ideas than I even remember today. The basics were the foundation and identifying the root causes were the objectives. Most after implementation due to top management not fully supporting or buying into the ideas. They wanted the results, but did not approve of the investments required to achieve the benefits. It was more of a power struggle, which occurs in the manufacturing world - ego above cause.

Think of the products/services of your current organization. How can the products/services be enhanced to appeal to larger segments of the current markets?

The company I work for currently competes in a very mature market. Globally the market is increasing slightly, but in the USA it is shrinking every year. The only way the company can enhance itself into larger markets is to grow successfully globally. Service and focused differentiation is where Allied succeeds above the competitors. Being able to implement and execute globally better than any other competitor is the enhancement that will sustain the success for years to come.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MBA 735 - Module 6 Concepts

What are the key leadership characteristics needed to lead an organization during growth?

Some of the characteristics a leader must have include being organized and a planner, so growth can be controlled. The ability to understand and critically evaluate the systems instituted in the launch stage, because they will be put to the test of durability and feasibility. Must recognize that need to lead by example, because their actions will formalization of the company’s culture. The leader must be honest and have integrity, because the leader creates and forms the code of conduct of the firm, which establishes the ethics of the corporation. Understand the financial aspects of the company, so cash flow does not become negative. Have "soft skills" and listen to their employees and customers, because it is important to maintain focus on the customer and quality of service. Leader must understand the vision and where the company is going long-term. This is facilitated by developing and following growth strategies and plans, because they become important when navigating the uncertainty of the market.

During the growth stage the strength and multi-tasking ability of the leader will be critical. The leader must maintain control of themselves and the company. This stage will reveal the weaknesses in systems and gaps in departments. The leader must be able to address all of these issue quickly and with poise.