Wednesday, April 18, 2007

MBA 745 – Reflections on Module 5 Concepts.

How comfortable are you as a leader in a mature organization?

I am comfortable as a leader in a mature company. There are always processes that need to be improved or revived back to life. Also employees need to be trained and motivated, so they contribute more to the bottom line. Hopefully the turnover is low and all of these employees are long-term employees. This allows you an opportunity to revive these employees and have them use their knowledge and experience to improve the bottom line - and have more fun doing it. The mature stage is more stable as long as you are sustaining and not declining. There should be more time to plan and organize actions to be executed for the good of the company.

Did you feel that you could concentrate on improving efficiencies while remaining flexible to the ideas of your team members?

Yes, because the way to make true improvements and gains in efficiencies is through the team. The leader needs to mentor and facilitate ideas and problem solving among the team. It is best to keep the team focused and ensure they have the proper resources to execute. The leader is the driver and energy behind the team and must always remain flexible. The leader will want to shape and form the ideas, but not steer them toward the way they would do it. Concentrating on improving efficiencies is the mission and driving the team to this end is the success of the leader.

Are you attempting to expand your knowledge base with or increase your depth in the focus you select to study?

Yes, I am looking at Financial leadership and want to understand financial strategies and more about balanced scorecards. Better understanding of the financial concepts will help in the aligning of objectives and goals for the overall benefit of the company.

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