Thursday, January 11, 2007

Reflections on Module 3 concpets - 3-3b

Are policies and procedures viewed in different capacities by leaders of different waves of change?

Short answer is yes. Agricultural/Industrial wave leaders will have a tendency to over use procedures and policies. They are viewed as mechanisms of control and dominance over employees. Informational or knowledge wave leaders will start to see the limitations of procedures and policies. Their overuse stifles communication and leads to a culture that always stays within the boundaries. Knowledge wave leaders start to see the power of imagination and how it fosters creativity and innovation. Education and training of employees, facilitating team building and knowledge sharing increase the intellectual property of the company, thus leading to higher net profits. the boundaries are now viewed as being only in your mind, self inflicted and not physical boundaries of policies and procedures. The judgment ave leader uses policies and procedures minimal. They are used to establish intent and to re-enforce the values and beliefs of the culture. Too many policies and procedures only end up hand cuffing the company.

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