Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reflections on Module 4 Concepts, 4-4b

How is technology impacting marketing channel operations? How does a leader keep well-informed of what is happening in the marketing channels that may have a direct impact on the business activities?

Marketing channels have changes over the last few decades. For example, Amazon has really changes the available marketing channels and streamlined some of the steps. A leader must be well read and well informed of the transformations of the environments in which they "play in" to risk being left behind. Middle men or intermediate functional companies are probably the biggest at risk. The proactive approach would be for the leader to recognize the trend of emerging technologies impacting their businesses and embracing the technology head on. This allows the leader and the company to control the impact of the technology (the timing, etc.) as well as the industry. This approach would allow the leader to develop this into a core competence, instead of running scared and ignoring the inevitable. Leaders not embracing emerging technology will end up spending monies to fight something that eventually consume them. This is true of marketing channels.

Market channels are becoming more technical and virtual. Advances in communication and relationship will again become important. "What goes around comes around". What built marketing channels of the agricultrual age, relationships and communication, will again become important and a necessity in the judgment age. Advanced technologies will require leaders to form alliances, outsources, etc - requiring superior communication channels.

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