Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reflections on Module 4 Concpets, 4-4a

How would you go about communicating your desire for a strategic alliance to another organization? What would you have to do to persuade them to strategically align with your organization?

Obviously you must first do your homework. After doing a four lenses perceptive on the pros and cons and then a cost/benefit analysis, you probably have some information to move forward. Next you would want to research their reputation in the market and how well they align with your company's strategic goals. This will allows you to make an introduction and the ability to submit your researched background analysis.

Persuading them would be through forming a team or committee between the companies. This way both sides can review, research, analyze, and make final recommendations. This exercise will not only build strong and respectful relationships, but ensure each partner shares each the same values/beliefs. Finally, the committee should be able to construct an outline of the strategic objectives/goals for the future alliance. Setting or recommending these objectives/goals allow each company to ensure that they align to their individual company's vision, mission, and goals.

Persuasion will probably go better if approached through an analytical structure and process. The more structure and process that exist up front the more accurate the expectations of each partner will be. This will facilitate trust and friendship in the alliance, leading to a successful, long-term partnership.

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